GIEMSA (Giemsa’s Azur Eosin Methylene Blue Solution)
Jual GIEMSA (Giemsa’s Azur Eosin Methylene Blue Solution) : For microscopy. For the staining of blood and bone-marrow smears, paraffin sections and clinical-cytological specimens
- Nama Reagen : GIEMSA (Giemsa’s Azur Eosin Methylene Blue Solution)
- Grade : Microbiology Reagent
- Brand : MERCK Millipore, Germany
- No.Cat : 1.09204.0500
- Berat : 500 ml
- Kemasan : Botol
- Boiling point : >65 °C (1013 hPa)
- Density : 0.99 g/cm3 (20 °C)
- ph Value: 6.1 – 7.0 (H₂O, 20 °C) (tidak encer)
- HS Code : 3212 90 00
Harga : Hubungi Kami